Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why do I need a Volunteer Questionnaire?

A Volunteer Coordinator's Opinion:

Back in high school I volunteered tutoring children at a Settlement House. I simply showed up and they had me working with the kids in minutes. I asked if they needed my name, and they responded "I guess so". That was it!
Then in college I volunteered tutoring inmates at a nearby County Jail. This required a doctor's visit, TB test, multiple orientations, background checks, and weekly "signature checks" and ID scans. I know that volunteering at a correctional facility has (and should have) very specific regulations, but I can't help but think that checking up on volunteers should lie somewhere in between these two extremes.
When I started working as one of the Volunteer Coordinators at Met Council, I saw our required Volunteer Questionnaire and thought it seemed like the perfect compromise. Volunteers have told me countless times how easy it is to volunteer with Met Council. There are no mandatory doctor’s notes or series of multiple, long orientation meetings.
Of course, not everyone agrees. One of the first volunteers I reached out to felt our Questionnaire was inappropriate and intrusive, and actually walked away from volunteering with Met Council. This made me question how appropriate a Volunteer Questionnaire really is. People are volunteering after all, aren’t they? Shouldn’t Met Council make things as easy as possible for them?
Then I thought about the fabulous work our volunteers our doing. Since our volunteers are able to make such an impact in our organization, they are working in our office, with our employees, and with our clients. Oftentimes, volunteers are helping out at Met Council’s housing sites.
Volunteers are valued like employees at Met Council, and like any company or organization, we need to know who is working with us. Therefore, it’s important to know some basic information about who is volunteering with us.

Of course, any questions about Volunteer Questionnaires can be directed to the Volunteer Department at!

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