Friday, January 21, 2011


To mark the 25th anniversary of MLK Day, Met Council’s volunteer department led 4 different projects that mobilized 180 volunteers across Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. From delivering self-help devices for homebound seniors to sorting thousands of donated clothing, our wonderful and energetic volunteers accomplished many amazing things in just one day. Here are some of the highlights:
  • 80 volunteers sorted and organized thousands of donated clothes for clients in need
  • 25 volunteers packaged and delivered self-help devices to homebound seniors across the five boroughs. Volunteers assembled 200 packages and delivered them to 30 seniors.
  • 40 volunteers from UJA-Federation Long Island assembled 1400 food packages at our food warehouse
  • 35 volunteers distributed over 3700 informational pamphlets about local benefits enrollment in the Bronx
These MLK Day activities will touch the lives of hundreds of our clients – individuals in need receiving food packages, clients being able to choose clothes with dignity, and seniors living more safely and independently in their own home.

None of this could have happened without our volunteers. Lorraine, a homebound senior that was a recipient of our assisted-living package, spoke highly of the MLK Day volunteers. “They were so lovely, helpful, and bright,” she said. “They really made my day.”

Check out more photos of the event.

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