Monday, October 17, 2011


Jewish Social Action Month (JSAM), a global initiative which transforms the Jewish month of Cheshvan from a month without Jewish holidays into a global month celebrating volunteerism and community building, takes place this year from Oct. 28, 2011 - Nov. 26, 2011. With the support of UJA-Federation of New York, Met Council will be holding Growing Together.

Growing Together is a program that engages volunteers in service through intergenerational ‘greening’ programs serving low-income seniors. In several workshops across New York City, volunteers will facilitate a workshop on how to build an indoor window-box herb garden from recyclable materials. Volunteers will be responsible for assisting seniors in making and decorating the pots, planting the herb seeds, and installing the window-sill garden boxes. Growing Together is also a learning service opportunity that educates volunteers and senior clients on the benefits of eating locally and other sustainable initiatives available to the community.

The impact of this program is threefold: one, to provide low income seniors on a fixed budget with a fresh and free food options within their home; two, to provide an intergenerational social opportunity for both volunteers and senior clients; three, to educate attendees on the sustainable benefits of local gardens and produce.

Clients are low-income senior residents that live in Met Council-owned and operated housing sites. The intent of our senior housing program is to integrate low-income housing into the very area in which it would not ordinarily be economically viable. This program also allows seniors to remain in their community, so that they can continue to be surrounded by their friends, doctors, and relatives. Met Council has devoted these buildings entirely and exclusively to senior citizens, 62 and older.

UJA-Federation believes that we can do more good when we do it together. By taking part in JSAM, Met Council is joining 34 other UJA-Federation supported programs with participants from over 100 other organizations in the New York area to help bridge the gap between people of diverse social and geographical backgrounds. Through these collaborations, participating organizations will deepen their working relationships and help make life better for thousands more individuals and families. For more information about Growing Together please contact

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