Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9/11 Day of Service Project!

Personal Branding Workshop

As part of our 9/11 Day of Service Volunteer Project


9/11 Day of Service is a day for many non-profit agencies, including Met Council, to come together for a day of charitable service and good deeds. This day continues to serve as a positive way to pay tribute to the victims, and remind people of the importance of charitable service and working closely within your community. 

In honor of this day of service, Met Council will be hosting a special career services seminar on the topic of Personal Branding. Being able to market yourself effectively is vital when trying to connect with other professionals in your desired field. Often times, a person only has a couple of minutes max to make a positive impact on whoever he or she is speaking with. Our volunteers will share their professional experience with participants so that they can better market themselves to potential connections.

In addition to the opening workshop on the how to market yourself effectively, volunteers will help simulate the two-to-three minute networking scenario with a "speed networking" workshop. This will help simulate the scenario where they only have a couple of minutes to make an impact on potential connections. Volunteers will interact with each client, and provide valuable feedback to those participating. All volunteers will help make an impact on a person's life by providing them the tools to expand their professional network. 

Event Information

Day: Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
Time: 5:30 - 8:00
Where: Met Council's Offices (120 Broadway, 7th Floor)

For more information on how to volunteer, please contact Jared Kunze at jkunze@metcouncil.org or call at 212-453-9668.

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