Wednesday, March 26, 2014

5 Unexpected Career Benefits of Volunteering

While on some down time at the desk, I came across this interesting article that posed a somewhat contradictory notion (at least at first). It proposed what volunteers gain from volunteering, instead of what the community receives from volunteerism. When I read the title I winced a bit; whenever I encounter volunteers they're usually volunteering because they want to make an impact in their community - not because they want to spruce up their resume. This article highlights though some pretty interesting points about how volunteering also affects the volunteer - in this case from a career standpoint. Take a read, if anything it offers all the more reason to get involved.  

What comes to mind when you think about volunteering?
Does the thought of spending your free time away from work doing even more work without pay turn you off? Do you feel like there are too many problems in the world and your limited participation won’t move the needle substantially? Or perhaps you don’t feel strongly enough about any cause to be interested in volunteering?
If any of these hold true for you or someone you know, you are likely underestimating the potential benefits of volunteering. There are a myriad of reasons why volunteering could be worth your time, but here are 5 practical reasons why you should be open to volunteering:
1. It Helps Build Your Resume: Volunteering can strengthen your resume in meaningful ways, including:
Building Tangible Skills: Your experiences as a volunteer can help fill gaps in your skill set. For example, if you want a chance to lead a team to show that you are ready for increased responsibility at work, volunteering could be a medium (and a safe environment) through which to do so.
Developing Subject Matter Expertise: In addition to getting experience you don’t have, you can create opportunities to apply your current skills in a different environment. If you’re an accountant at a firm, volunteering to manage the books at a non-profit could show versatility and subject matter expertise as well as further establish your credibility and ability to tackle new accounting challenges.
Gaining Practical Experience: If you are a job seeker with limited opportunities due to your lack of experience, volunteering not only showcases your work ethic but also allows you to build a portfolio of demonstrable results that you can highlight during an interview.
2. It Enhances your Personal Development
Volunteering offers opportunities to stretch yourself and step outside of your familiar and comfortable routine. A lot of non-profit organizations are less structured as their corporate counterparts, leaving you ample opportunities to build on your leadership qualities, hone your ability to work in a team and enhance your self-awareness. These experiences can contribute greatly to your personal development and uncover capabilities you may not have known you had.
3. It Exposes You to Great People Outside Your Network
One simple but very valuable benefit of volunteering is that you get to meet other volunteers. Often times, these are people who have taken vastly different paths to converge at the same organization you are volunteering in, which could be a refreshing break from your existing network of people who may have backgrounds similar to yours. You not only get to work alongside them, you get to learn from them, and them from you. These relationships could result in career and mentorship opportunities, or even friendships!
4. It Allows You To Practice Creativity
Do you have an idea that no one is listening to? Do you want experience doing something your current job doesn’t allow you to do? Stop stifling your creativity. Volunteering can provide an avenue for you to expend this energy and try to solve problems in ingenious ways.
 5. It Enables You To Make an Impact
Undoubtedly one of the greatest benefits of volunteering is the impact that you can make. You would be simply amazed at how much of a difference a couple hours a week of tutoring, mentoring or other volunteering opportunities can make in someone’s life. A lot of jobs don’t give you the opportunity to make significant, lasting, game-changing impact that volunteering at a cause-based organization can.
Are you ready to get started? There are hundreds of great organizations who could use your help. If what you most passionately want to spend your time on doesn’t exist, start it! Your efforts could make a significant difference in the life of others, and in yours. Don’t focus on the fact that you are not getting paid. The experience, if you are deliberate about how you approach it, is worth its weight in gold.

Credit: Utibe Bassey at TRN Magazine

Just a quick reminder, Met Council is holding our annual Family Violence Passover Distribution on April 6th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. If you're interested in getting involved with this wonderful event please contact us at 212-453-9508 or e-mail us at

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